Inventing the Future symposium. A session, Foresight of Worlds and Times. Sergey Shikarev, literary critic, co-founder of the New Horizons Award.05 November#8798394
The Inventing the Future Symposium. Session, Foresight of Worlds and Times. Sergei Shikarev, literary critic, co-founder of the New Horizons Awards.05 November#8798393
Inventing the Future symposium. A session, Foresight of Worlds and Times. Sergey Shikarev, literary critic, co-founder of the New Horizons Award.05 November#8798395
Inventing the Future symposium. A session, Foresight of Worlds and Times. Sergey Shikarev, literary critic, co-founder of the New Horizons Award.05 November#8798397
Inventing the Future symposium. A session, Foresight of Worlds and Times. Sergey Shikarev, literary critic, co-founder of the New Horizons Award.05 November#8798399